7. November 2006

Bremen welcomes young Europeans of Baltic Sea Region

More than 100 delegates of "Model European Parliament" (MEP) were welcomed in the big hall of Bremen Town Hall on Monday 6th of November. Welcome adresses were given by Willi Lemke, Senator for education and science, and by Helga Trüpel, member of European Parliament.

The MEP Baltic Sea Region Programme is a leadership programme for teenagers in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Northern Germany. In addition to these delegates, guests from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain are participating in Bremen. The goal of the MEP Baltic Sea Region programme is to develop interest and skills in addressing high level international issues among high-school students in the eight countries around the Baltic Sea and other guest nations. The simulation of the European Parliament is used as a model for international sessions (General Assembly) in which young adults from the participating countries take part. The programme might serve as practice for future leaders and politicians.

During this week the young delegates will discuss European matters in five committees:

1) Foreign Affairs (main topic: conflicts in the Near East - Israel, Palestine)

2) Economic and Monetary Affairs (main topic: secure sustainable energy supply)

3) Environment, Public health and Food safety (main topic: prevention of infetious diseases)

4) Constitutional Affairs (main topic: gap between EU-institutions and Citizens)

5) Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (main topic: promote Integration of Migrants and fight Xenophobia)

Part of the programme will be also a meeting with Bremen NGOs, who deal with intercultural exchange and coopertion with the respective countries.

The MEP Baltic Sea Region in Bremen will end at Friday, when all delegates will meet for a final plenary. The final part will be opened by Jens Böhrnsen, Mayor of Bremen.

Homepage of MEP Baltic Sea Region Bremen
Short description ot MEP Bremen (German)
Homepage MEP Germany
MEP Baltic (Swedish Homepage)

Homepage MEP Netherlands

Wikipeda Page on European Communities Projects

Wikipeda on MEP
A Report from Denmark about MEP in Helsinki 2003 (Danish)
Homepage MEP Italy (Italian)

Homepage MEP Spain (Spanish)

A Report on the MEP-project from Irland
A diary of an Austrian MEP-Delegate about participation in MEP Viln
ius in April 2006 (German language - newspaper "Der Standard")
A Latvian report about MEP in Vilnius April 2006 (Latvian language)

Information about MEP in Estonian Language

Press release of Valdas Adamkus, president of Lithuania, on MEP Vilnius in April 2006
On Thorildplans Gymnasiums Delegates (Sweden) in MEP Bremen

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